<div style='padding: 10px;'>
<iframe src='https://docs.google.com/viewer?url=https://int.chinacdnb2b.com/images/uploadedimages/brochures/2/8/4445113-2015011608102854b8c774f407c.pdf&embedded=true' width='730' height='537' style='border: none;'></iframe>
</div><div style='margin-bottom:5px;margin-top:10px'> <strong> <a title='3D flock heat transfer iron-on garment label team badge patch' target='_blank'>3D flock heat transfer iron-on garment label team badge patch</a> </strong> from <strong>
<a href='https://www1.tradekey.com/company/Image-Trans-Technics-Inc-4445113.html' target='_blank'>Image-Trans Technics Inc.</a></strong> </div>
3D flock heat transfer iron-on garment label team badge patch
Image-Trans Technics Inc. is one of the growing companies from
Taiwan. We specialize in the field of Manufacturing,
we are committed to provide quality products. To view our complete range of products please download our 3D flock heat transfer iron-on garment label team badge patch.