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</div><div style='margin-bottom:5px;margin-top:10px'> <strong> <a title='Multi wall Sack Kraft Bag' target='_blank'>Multi wall Sack Kraft Bag</a> </strong> from <strong>
<a href='https://www1.tradekey.com/company/Omni-Paper-Pte-Ltd-6881487.html' target='_blank'>Omni Paper Pte Ltd</a></strong> </div>
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Multi wall Sack Kraft Bag
Omni Paper Pte Ltd November 14th 2012
Omni Paper Pte Ltd is growing and well reputed company from
Singapore. in the Manufacturing business.
We have a team of 16-25 dedicated professionals who are experts in their field.
For a complete range of our product please download our Multi wall Sack Kraft Bag