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</div><div style='margin-bottom:5px;margin-top:10px'> <strong> <a title='TW Series ® -Alumina Wear Resistant Ceramics Tile' target='_blank'>TW Series ® -Alumina Wear Resistant Ceramics Tile</a> </strong> from <strong>
<a href='https://www1.tradekey.com/company/Tecera-International-Co-Ltd-8691186.html' target='_blank'>Tecera International Co., Ltd.</a></strong> </div>
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TW Series ® -Alumina Wear Resistant Ceramics Tile
Thanks to the superior quality, our wear resistant ceramic has much better wear resistant performance than other producers in China. As per the testing both from our customer and our national lab, the wear loss of our ceramic is more than 20% less t