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  • Portable Carpet & Upholstery Spot Cleaner

    Portable Carpet & Upholstery Spot Cleaner

    布料清洗机是通过高压冷热水喷射,强力溶解布艺家具上的顽固污渍。然后通过洗布机的刷头刷洗软化的污渍,然后将污垢吸入设备中. Technical parameters: Voltage: ******0V/******0V Product power:***0W/***0W Product size:L**4*W**9*H**8mm Gross/net weight:7.*5/6.*5kg S...

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  • Zhejiang Zhuoruixing Intelligent Technology Co., ltd
  • Subject should be between 10 to 255 characters200 / 255
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