Did Green Construction Methods Escape Economy Slump?


During the period of economic slump, all the construction companies encountered with various challenges like gaining loans even though, the green construction was on the emergent track. Although the clouds of financial collapse encircled the world of economies, green jobs came up with fairly a recessionary proof shield.

TKN - Green Construction only Economic Survivor credit: maison-bois-rond.ch

It is due to the fact that green construction and technology have relatively sustainable sense of financial composition than their energy-occupied peers. However, the construction through green technologies initiated as a tree hugger, the green building movement has already entered into the mainstream screen. Most probably in upcoming years, there would be no longer existence of a "green building" category, as energy and water-saving construction will be an ultimate choice.

Green building construction was giving continued positive upshots and expanded their market by 50% during 2008 to 2010, signifying 25% of proportion on all new constructions in the U.S by the year 2010. The green building will not seem to be decelerated and is likely to flourish at an average rate of 23 percent to 2017.

TKN - Green Clean Buildings Credits: tvtropes.org

The imperative development within the green building and technology domains showing a rising interest of builders and its progressive/back to back improved growth rate is just due to certain reasons. First of all, the awareness on climate change has increased, encouraging the companies to take prompt and effective actions. Construction and building consume 40 percent of the energy in the United States; therefore, green construction helps to become energy efficient and can mitigate the carbon emissions. Above all, the green buildings are the huge saver of money and energy resources. All the green construction and restoration projects that have taken place during 2000 to 2008 almost saved $1.3 billion energy and proved green construction activities as a premium source for gaining numerous benefits. However, these positive results are not restricted to just green construction building but with the backing of governmental departments, green renovation projects are also gaining popularity increasingly.

The concept of green building has been constantly accelerating and a dynamic symbol in both commercial and residential construction sector. A team of researcher from Netherlands and the U.S conducted an empirical study based on recent maturity in the green commercial construction, they reported "a significant level of increment observed in 2007 and 2009, even though, the recent economic crunch have broken the growth momentum of real estate market but there no significant impact was imitated over the supply of green building in comparison with those noteworthy Property investment projects.

Green building is pulling their weight, but of course the other green design and construction industry would have been a lot better if the whole economy was not impacted by Great recession. That event let the air out from exceptional real estate bubble during the tenure of 2006 and 2007, while its millions of people deprived from their homes and work, and it is now just started to recover.

While in the starting of 2012, the building industry was rest at neutral, the prospects are looking bright for green construction market. The next five year will prove to be growth oriented one for eco-friendly/green buildings and the revenue is forecast to touch the mark of 245.4 billion, boosted by government enticement.

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