Miami 11 Foot Python: If People do not Construct, Snakes Will!
Miami 11 Foot Python: If People do not Construct, Snakes Will!
Oct 27, 2014 2,246 Views
Cutting the slices into two, there are no bread and butter in a construction worker’s life. But this one is a built for kill scenario for the construction workers at Miami! An 11 foot Python dazzled the air out of the group in mere seconds!
One of the workers at the under-construction site said, he was trying to move a pipe when the snake suddenly emerged and the realm began! The construction crews in Miami, South Florida, came across this living slithery beast as they were carrying out their daily duties at the project. The only factor missing was that the site was under zero surveillance for about a month or two, in which time the snake either slithered inside the pipes to hide and camouflage, or somebody dumped it there for various reasons yet unknown. The crews themselves think and believe somebody dumped it there although the truth is yet unknown.
They also said they had never seen anything like it for real in their entire lives; and of course thinking ourselves in their shoes will deem them correct! A python, and that too an 11 FOOT grown-up specie, is a mere shocker for the people at Florida, whom, not even in their wildest dreams, had though it would appear here in the streets so openly. The python has though, now seen its fate as the authorities have taken it to the perfect spot, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission have professionally removed it from the premises; five days ago when the incident actually took place. Constructive work has now been resumed with better pace as this incident boosted some energy within the workers’ lives!