According to Michel Alaby, general secretary and chief executive officer at Arab-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce; UAE is considered as the leading destination for GCC which holds 57.4 percent of the entire building material imports, from Brazil, with a total value of USD 25.61 million this year. However, it is expected that the total importation of Brazilian Machinery will reach USD 26.32 million only in UAE.
The Arab-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce (ABCC) has officially confirmed that the eight biggest construction companies from Brazil are probing to ensure their presence in the forthcoming Big 5 show which is the largest construction show in Middle East, where the companies will exhibit their cutting edge technological additions and solutions for the construction sector, make new customers and collect their data; and research for the Middle Eastern market as well. There will be a number of Brazilian companies who intend to join the event that will be held on November 17 to 20, 2014, at the Dubai World Trade Centre. This participation will certainly help in promoting the growing & flourishing bilateral relationships between the regions!
The presence of Brazilian top construction machinery companies will allow the regional and foreign visitors/customers and potential customers to get live experiences for checking a wide range of high-tech construction machineries and building materials. Brazil is very much interested in joining the next season of the Big 5 Event when the total exports value of its building material will reach the worth of USD 4.94 billion! A major share of its exports is generated from the GCC region that exhibits a total worth of USD 25.61 million this year. UAE is the leading importer at GCC region accounting for 57.4 percent showing a total value of USD 14.71 million, followed by Saudi Arabia and Qatar representing the total export volume of USD 8.13 million and USD 1.27 million respectively.
Dr. Michel Alaby were talking about the experience of participating in Big 5 event that, “During last year's Dubai event, six Brazilian companies joined thousands of exhibitors from all over the world. It was beneficial and fruitful experience as they were able to attain their strategic objectives successfully. This year, more organizations are participating in hopes of exceeding the 2013 accomplishments…
During the starting ten months of this year, the major imported items of Gulf estate from Brazil was primarily comprised on plywood and other laminated wood products with a total import value of USD 3.46 million. The next leading import items were granite and appliances for pipes and boiler shells representing the total transaction of USD 3.3 million and USD 2.85 million respectively. In addition, the export values of glassware for kitchen, pipes and pieces of iron, steel and valves also get a boom this year showing growth rate of 334 per cent, 4312 percent and 1268 percent correspondingly.
Specifically in UAE, the total importation of granite took place with a worth of USD 2.79 million, Pressure valves exhibits the import value of USD 2.99 million, USD 2.79 million spent in importing transmission trees, imported USD 2.58 million worth of bulldozers and angle dozers and air pumps having a total transaction of USD 2.01 million. Meanwhile, the total USD 157.99 million of transaction observed in importing the construction machineries by GCC and UAE held the share of USD 26.32 million from the total value. Too many numbers are they?