Drones Technology Attracting Canadian Real Estate Agents


Canadian real estate industry is hugely shifted towards modern technologies when number of agents is extensively relying on the use of drones which enable them to sell their homes and apartments.

It is exclusively exploited to showcase these properties to customers located out of the town. They claimed that this aerial photography equipment is giving the citizens a new better experience of viewing the properties before making a selling deal. The most fascinating feature of the technology is that, it enables the buyer to look out the respective property without having to physically visit the location that certainly saves their time as well.

Moreover, it cost as a low as hundred dollars in comparison with renting a helicopter and costly photographers

The real time example for the all the real estate agents is Paul Rouillard, a property agent in Ontario, who make uses of Drone device as a camcorder for recording videos during his property tours. Another popular dealer in real estate market Rouillard said, “This aerial footage technology is a love, which can shoot the video or taking snaps of properties that no body can.”

"We want to feature it. We want to highlight it. We want to make sure that when somebody does see it, their first instinct is, 'Wow! I want to come take a look at it,'" Rouillard said. "We get that 'wow factor' all the time."

Rouillard further stated that this drone has added a wow factor in our presentation of properties towards the clients that highlights the home or apartment from each and every aspect. On the other hand, Jim Williams, a well reputed professional of commercial real estate in Windsor shared his thoughts that, A Hawk eye moving on the sky which can greatly help him to explore the development opportunities and he is looking forward to acquire a drone by the beginning of next year.

Therefore, those are some of the live examples that can attract the potential real estate agents to get drone and start redefining the shape of real estate industry.

Rouillard further added that “drone has helped make out-of-town sales — and quickly.”

The price of drones mostly fall from hundreds of dollars for private aircraft to nearly $200,000 for commercial grade units, which can be handled by a controller akin to ones designed for an iPhone or tablet or video games.

The trend of using Drone technology has been growing up in the Canadian real estate market for the last couple of years.

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