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Self Driving Cars: Potential Threat for Auto Insurance Companies?


The world has evolved (with continuity) and every economic sector has been filled up with high-tech equipments and similar practices. The inception of self driving cars would be a horrible dream for drive loving people as like it would mean “no-steering” for controlling, free from car parking tensions, traveling with a couple of beer packs from office to home. These however will not be the key concerns as these features will surely give the sight of relief to the people. However, the absence of imperfect drivers will certainly create trouble for car insurance companies! Mind the driving lessons?!?

The study published by International organization for road accidents reveal that around 90% of road accidents are happened due to human errors and this rate turns out to be the key reason for auto insurers to charge annual car insurance premiums of 157 billion per year. In short, self driving cars will eradicate all the human driving errors and the consequences will change face of auto insurance companies as well. A report published by RAND corp. anticipated that auto manufacturers will experience high liabilities but at the same time, the end-user’s liability will be curtailed down to its least. The study further observed that all the insurance reservations will go down if human and vehicles would play their role efficiently. A noble message forwarded by the RAND authors to insurance companies,” If self-driving cars will stand on the expectations, then insurers could see a considerable decline in car insurance premiums.” In U.S., the average cost for car insurance is $1020 as directed by AAA that reflects the industry will suffer heavy losses.

The driverless driving policies are another incredible phase, as the legislatives are likely to be focused on the car’s manufacturing date and model number instead of how frequently he drives or driver’s tales for accidents. The manufacturers are also looking add a special feature named black box in the driverless cars similar to those placed in aircrafts for tracking car locations and decode all the conversations gone off before few seconds (if ever the problems occur).

Other faces of probability: A No-fault insurance policy in which the insurance companies will be liable to accept the damage claims despite of the blaming game. This sort of insurance has fueled up in recent years and the medical claims have raised in-spite of the hope for deficiency in litigation costs.

Nevertheless, it is quiet difficult to pass the statement as to which direction the car insurance will set out, but the car owners will also meet other expenses in the case of prospective invention which will turn the price genie on. For instance, professional mechanics, expensive parts and repairing instances might raise the cost in the end.

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