Elephant yam
health benefits
There are several health benefits are quite well known elephant
yam. Here are some of the most common Yam elephant health
The elements and minerals in elephant
yam include copper, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium and
Fiber content of yam elephant itself
is high, and thus is generally regarded as a food weight loss,
because it promotes weight loss and reduces blood cholesterol in
the body. If an elephant yam is cooked properly, it can be eaten
without fear of weight gain. Several low-fat recipes elephant yam
are resources available online, and cookbooks.
It has a cooling effect on the body,
which is why it is good for those suffering from
Elephant yam is very high in branded
3 fatty acids help to reduce bad cholesterol in the body and
increase the good cholesterol.
On the health front and nutrition, elephant yam very high in
carbohydrates and are also good sources of protein and certain
vitamins. elephant yam antioxidants making it a nutritious food to