1、Plantain is a
well-known herb, growing in rich, moist places, in fields, by the
roadsides, and in grass plats, and is common in Europe and
America.The plant loses its medicinal activity by drying. All its
preparations should be made from the freshly-gathered roots and
tops. Water or alcohol extracts the virtues of the plant. The
leaves contain chlorophyll, resin, wax, albumin, pectin, citric and
oxalic acids.
2、Plantago Extract
offers skin soothing properties and is recommended for general skin
care. It is especially useful in anti-aging formulations or
formulations for sensitive skin. Plantago Extract is also excellent
for hair care.
3、The herb is sweet in
flavour, and cold in nature. It acts on the liver, kidney and lung
channels. Being sweet and cold for lubricating, clearing, lowering
and descending, the herb can clear away damp-heat from the
lower-jiao to induce diuresis and treat stranguria, and it is
indicated for edema, stranguria, diarrhea and other syndromes due
to damp-heat. The herb can also clear away heat from the lung and
liver, relieve cough, improve vision and treat cough due to
lung-heat and conjunctival congestion due to liver-heat and other
Inducing diuresis,
treating stranguria, clearing heat from the liver for improving
vision, removing heat from the lung to clear phlegm.
Any other purified
natural plant extract you need, please feel free to contact
Thank you and with best