The production is backed by highly trained technocrats who come
with a wealth of experience in bright bar production and related
Just-in-time deliveries, assured quality and quantities with the
right pricing and instant response have made us the first choice
among customers in various sectors that include Automobile OEMs ,
Auto Component manufacturers, Earth Moving manufacturers, Machinery
manufacturers, Defense and other miscellaneous equipment
SIZE RANGES 3mm to *5mm
Hot Roll Straightening
Cold Drawn Coils & Rounds
Turned Bars
Turned and Polished
Turned, Ground and Polished
Turned and Drawn Bars
Drawn and Turned
Drawn, Turned and Polished
Drawn, Turned, Ground and Polished
Drawn and Saw Cut to Length
Drawn and Ground
Stress Relieved
All AISI and SAE Carbon, Resulfurized, and
Rephosphorized Steels