**0% Natural Acai Berry Slimming Soft
**0% Natural Acai Berry
Slimming Herbal
Advanced Formula
Weight loss capsule, slimming capsule, slimming pills, weight loss
product, slimming soft gel, soft gel
What's Acai Berry
Acai berry is a fruits of the acai palm tree. Acai berries contain
an amazing combination of health-promoting nutrients, among them
antioxidants, dietary fiber and monounsaturated fats, which
controls the appetite naturally; Detoxifies the colon and the bowl
area; Controls the blood pressure and the cholesterol levels;
Reduces the waist line; Enhances the energy quotient; Keeps the
digestion system in perfect shape; Prevents from having colon and
stomach cancer; Keeps mentally alert and physically more active;
And works as a true natural anti-aging diet supplement.
Acai Berry Soft Gel (Double Effects) helps on fast fat reducing and
skin care, the unique formula of Pure Acai Berry extacts and
carefully selected Chinese herbs will benefit your health like
never before.
1. Appetite suppressant
2. Skin beautification
3. Increase metabolism
Specification: **0mg**0 soft gels
Usage&Dosage: 1time/day, 1soft gel/time
Suitable Age: People during the age of *8 and *0