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SUMMARY Mines and Hydrocarbons On the global plane, DRC is justly regarded as a “geological scandal” due to the presence in its subsoil of rare metals and/or sought after precious metals by selected emerging economies worldwide. DRC offers a possibility to tap a quasi full range of minerals existing on the planet and important hydrocarbon quantities. Only *0% of mining concessions have been distributed so far to investors for research and/or exploitation. With reference to hydrocarbons, work has not started yet. So, over *0% of concessions are expecting buyers. In the next lines, a summary of mineral ores which could be tapped by the enterprises interested in them and their location . Basic metals IRON ORE : The Eastern Province is the attic of iron in DRC with reserves of about 5 billion tons. Deposits of Banalia have a high iron content of over *5% (low tenor Si*2). Reserves : *0 million tons. It is worth noting that in north of Katanga Province in the northern part of SAKIBINDA and TENKE, we indicate deposits and indices of iron ore in the copper concession. These high concentrations of minerals (magnetite, hematite, mastitis, and goethite) are estimated at ± **0 million tons of reserves at a grade between *4 and *6% of iron and 3% and *1% silica without many impurities. Kasai Provinces contain at Luebo, Luiza, Mwene-Ditu, Gandajika and Djoku-Punda deposits with reserves estimated at *0 million tons of iron with *0% Fe of content. Bas-Congo, one of the few provinces of the DRC to have a lot of bauxite laterites in Mayumbe, also owns the iron ore deposit of mount SALI whose reserves are estimated at *7,**0 tonnes grading less than *0%. Other clues are recognized at Luozi, Kindulu-Wana and elsewhere. Non-ferrous metals ALUMINIUM : Large reserves of bauxite laterite are concentrated in the province of Bas-Congo. COPPER : Large deposits of copper ore are found in Katanga Province, mainly in the South : Sodimico concession at Musoshi, and at Kapulo where Anvil Mining operates : Ex : SERMIKAT concession. Reserves : *2,**1,**4 tons. TIN : The major known tin deposits in the Democratic Republic of Congo are located in the Provinces of Katanga, Maniema, South Kivu and North Kivu. LEAD and ZINC : Lead and zinc are concentrated in the copper deposits of Kipushi in Katanga Province. Currently, the mining operation is shut down. In Bas-Congo Province at Bamba-Kilenda, there is also evidence of mineralization in copper-lead-zinc. Zinc reserves : 4,**5,**3 tonnes. Alloy metals CHROMIUM-NICKEL : Many indices are reported in a large area straddling the two Kasai and specifically at Nkonko, Lutshatsha and Luiza. Estimated reserves : *2.5 Mt of ore at an average grade of 1.*5% and 3.8% Cr. The deposits also contain cobalt at an average grade fee of 0.8% Co. Reserves : *2.5 million tonnes. WOLFRAMITE : The tin wolframite deposit is located in North Kivu to a hundred kilometres in the west of Butembo. Another wolframite deposit is at Bishasha, located at *5 km in the south of Masisi, on the edge of the granite massif of Hango. The reserves are estimated to be about a few thousand tonnes. MANGANESE : The only exploitable concentrations, located in the Province of Katanga at Kasekelesa Kisenge are operated by the mining company Kisenge Manganese "EMK-Mn". VANADIUM : A deposit of lead vanadate exists in the towns of Senge and Nkusu (BAMBA-Kilenda), about *5 km northwest of Inkisi, in the province of Bas-Congo. With an output of 0 to 2 meters, this deposit has an average grade ore from *5 to *0% lead and 5 to 6% vanadium. COBALTin Katanga Reserves : 4,**0,**0 tonnes. Strategic metals They are used in advanced technology. The main metals are : BERYLLIUM : Beryllium ore reported to date in the Democratic Republic of Congo is beryl. Two types of deposits have been identified :
Some indices are reported in the pegmatitic deposits of detrital of Manono in Katanga. Colombo-tantalite
GOLD : The largest deposits are in the Eastern Province and those of Maniema and North Kivu. Other indices in Bas-Congo, both Kasaï, Bandundu and Equateur. The deposits of Eastern Province :
SILVER : The indices of silver are reported in the following Provinces : Western Kasai, Katanga and South Kivu and Eastern Province. The primary silver production comes from the mineral processing of copper and silver-lead of Kipushi. Platinum :
Other mineral re |