We introduce organic fertilizer as follow:
a composting ofvegetable origin resulting from waste
composting of agricultural plants andbeet and sugar cane, and the
advantage that it also contains the highestpercentage of organic
matter and on the set of elements fertilizer major andminor, in
addition to that it contains some vitamins and natural
antioxidantsand used successfully fertilization of horticultural
crops, fruit trees and ornamentalplants.
It Works to improve theproperties of private sandy
soil and raises the degree of retention of water
. Contains a high proportion of organic matter andmajor
elements microprocessor and organic carbon
. Provides half of the requirements of organicfertilizers
. The advantage of being free from weed seeds andharmful nematodes
and bacterial pathogens and fungal
. Helps the soil to resist the erosion processes
. Suitable for fertilization for all types ofcrops, whether
vegetables or fruit or any other crops,contact us to know moreabout
the details
My best regards