1.anti corrosion cold wraped tape is applied for coating
system of gas pipe and water pipe and pipe joint kits is with lower ground performace and high density polyethylene
backing cab be wrapped by hand or machine easy is consist of adhesive layer and film backing layer
5.adhesive layer is butyl rubber ,the film backing is
6.thickness is up to 1mm inclduing of 0.5mm adhesive and 0.5mm film
7.length is up to **0m per roll ,width is up to *0cm
8.the primer is easy quickly drying ,it is precoating on the
surface of pipe and under the inter tape ,
9,the primer is a bonding medium between pipe surface and inter
tape ,it can be brushed by hand or sprayed by machine
* hand ,0.2liter per square meter is enough , 0.1 liter per
square meter is enough by machine spraying .
*1.the primer is consist of butyl rubber and synthetic compound and
a solvent gasoline.