Our Virgin Peruvian hair is sourced from Pasco (Cerro De Pasco)
region in central Peru. All
Hair donors are below *0 years of age and each bundle (pack) of our
elusive Peruvian hair is
sourced from one single donor. Peruvian hair growth benefits from
its soft and silky texture
whilst maintaining an even thickness from the root to the tip.
Peruvian hair comes in two forms of straight and wavy. All our hair
are in its most natural
state with all wefted hair being double drawn and tangle free. All
our hair comes in natural
shades of BLACK and BROWNS (Dark black, Nature black, Dark brown
and Light brown)
Peruvian hair is one of the most versatile forms of Virgin Hair,
making Peruvian hair a
fantastic choice for customers seeking the ultimate celebrity look
whilst sporting virgin
hair of the highest quality.