Chemically aggressive media in the whole area of chemical
processing technology and other areas of industry.
Technical data
Size: DN *5 - DN **0
Delivery rate: Qmax. = 3.**0 m3/h
Delivery head: Hmax. = **0 m
Temperature: **0 °C
Design features
- Complies with DIN EN ****8 (ISO ***8)
- Back pull out design
- Closed or open impeller with wear plate
- Design variants with inducer, heater, for high temperature
applications and other designs for specific media
Hydrodynamically combined with stuffing box or mechanical seals of
different construction
Materials specification
1.***6S, HA *8 5, R *0 *0, Si-iron castings, Titanium, Nickel,
1.***1, 2,***6. Other special materials such as SiSiC and other on