[product name] Amentoflavone
[Latin name] Selaginella tamariscina (Beauv. ) Spring
[CAS No. ] ********4
[Molecular Formula] C*0H*8O*0
Selaginella tamariscina is a traditional herb for the therapy of
chronic trachitis and exhibits some anti-tumor activity.
Amentoflavone was extracted from the whole plant of Selaginella
tamariscina, it is a strong antioxidant, can effectively remove
oxygen free radicals in the body, amentoflavone has the ability to
prevent the oxidation of more than ten times that of vitamin E,
this antioxidant effect can prevent degradation of cell aging, but
also to prevent the occurrence of cancer.
Main Function of Amentoflavone:
1. Anti-lipid peroxidation and antibacterial activity
2. Promote blood circulation, control dermatitis
3. In cosmetics, it is the most effective anti-allergic and
anti-stimulating substances.
Application of Amentoflavone:
1. Pharmaceutical field
2. Cosmetic field