Our hardwood Charcoal is a lightweight black carbon and ash
residue hydrocarbon produced by slow pyrolysis — the heating of
wood in the absence of oxygen. It is comprised of mixed wood
charcoal from different sources like fruit trees, rubber trees and
mangrove charcoal. Our charcoal meets the standards of several
countries and may be used at industrial scale or on a smaller
Our specifications are as follows:
• Carbon ****0% Minimum
• Ash Content **4% Maximum
• Volatile Matter 4% Maximum
• Moisture **6% Maximums
• Burning Time Up to *0 hours
• Activated charcoal is a potent natural treatment used to
trap toxins and chemicals in the body, allowing them to be flushed
out so the body doesnt reabsorb them. Its made from a variety of
sources, but when used for natural healing, its important to select
activated charcoal made from coconut shells or other natural
• One of the most popular activated charcoal uses is for the
safe and effective treatment of poisoning and drug overdoses. Its
used in emergency trauma centers across the world. In addition, its
used to reduce bloating and gas, lower cholesterol, treat bile flow
problems safely during pregnancy, and even prevent