Luoi Cong Trinh
Co.,Ltd specialize to produce and undertake processing for all kind
of safety net -Safety net is made from nylon
with white color, diameter from 4mm*8mm, mesh size
from 5cm**2cm. - Safety net is made
from polyester, soft with green, blue color or make as customized .
Diameter **0 dineers, mesh size 1cm, 2.5cm, 5cm. We can produce as
customers demand not only protecting people and other thing if
falling down but also covering to protect for balcony and stairs of
building, making football/ soccer net, covering sports course for
anti-ball. We produce and
process as size requirements, we also can sew net
borders, make with a lot of colors to
meet the latest technologies, latest market trends Beside safety net,
covering net, covering net for balcony, stairs. Luoi Cong Trinh
also undertake processing all kind of net related to construction,
Industry- Agriculture , Aquaculture , transportation, Furniture,
Decoration with wide range of products to meet the different
customers demand
contact to get free consultation and the best quotation
Luoi Cong Trinh
Address : No.*9,
Street No.8, Ward *1, Go Vap District, HCM City
Rep office: M3
Floor, CT1 building, Song Da, My Dinh, Ha Noi
Tel :
***3.**1.***1 Fax: ***3.**1.***0
Email :
kinhdoanh.luoicongtrinh AT gmail DOT com
Hotline :
The South : (*4)
***9.*****9 Ms Lan; (*4) ***4.**0.**0 Mr Diep ; (*4) ***6 **7 **6 -
Ms Duyen; ***6.**7.**7 Mr Thien
The North : (*4)
***9.**8.**6 Mr Bac; (*4) ***9.**0.**6 Mr The; (*4) ***9.**4.**6 Ms