White powder composition ready to be mixed with water to form high
performance white slurry used
for pasting and soldering separators of the gypsum board.
• DIAMOND gypsum board sparators and cracks for soomthing the
surface over the
all application
• To obtain a several decorative textures over all building
surfaces instead of paints
• Leveling and lining the surface of plaster as it can reach 5mm
Mixing Ratio:
Add DIAMOND powder to about %*0 of potable clean water
• Improve the hardness of the gypsum board surface
• Give a high smooth. White and glossy surface ready for final
• Doesnt require to be sanded
• High bond strength with all gypsum based materials
• One compontet premixed only the addition of water is require
• Easy to mix ,apply finish
• Adjustable consistency and high workability