A DaJaBaRa Scale

A. Cooling Water Cleaning System
- It removes the scale which is fixed to the equipment of the
cooling water system by using the principle of electrolytic method.
(Removes solid scales by using " Electrolytic Technology")
- This is Cooling Water Cleaning System which prevents scales
from being generated at Cooling tower filter, circulation piping,
Evacon tube, etc, (Prevents re-gaining Scales on Pipes, Filter,
Tubes etc)
- It removes the scale which is fixed in cooling towers and heat
exchangers while preserving water quality and atmosphere. (Saving
and improving the quality of water while it removes scale)
- It kills bacteria and microorganisms such as legionella and
salmonella in cooling water, and removes green algea. (Reduces
Bacteria and microorganisms (i.e as legionella and salmonel)
and removes green algae)
- Using environmentally friendly products (DaJaBaRa), which has
caused water pollution and environmental pollution by using
existing high-risk chemicals. It excelled in environmental
protection and energy saving after installation. (Eco-Friendly by
reduces using chemicals)
B. InstallationLocation
- CW Supply piping between cooling tower and heat exchanger
C. Processing Capacity (RT : Ton of Refrigeration)
- The processing capacity per unit of cooling water cleaning
system should be greater than the replenishing volume of the
cooling tower.
- In the case of 500RT, the circulation volume of the
cooling water is 390ton/hr, so 390ton/hr x 0.012=4.68ton/hr
(replenishment amount of the cooling tower).
- The standard processing capacity per unit of 500RT is 5.0ton/hr
and this is greater than 4.68ton/hr which is the replenishment
amount of the cooling tower and so, install 1 unit of 500RT.
D. DaJaBaRa Installation Effect
1. Arresting Ca²+ (calcium ion), Mg²+(magnesium ion), such as scale
generating ions dissolved in water onto cathode surface
- Maintaining the concentration to below the solubility
- Preventing scale generation
2. Inhibits generation of microorganisms productioin by radical
bydroxyl and chlorine
-Inhibiting Slime
-Inhibiting green algae
※ Radical hydroxyl group : Strong chemicals for oxidizing with
non-toxic character froim the known substances (fluorine, ozone,
3. Anti-Corrosion
- Prevents corrosion by changing cooling water into alkaescent
Installation Location
•Install in cooling tower and CW
supply pipeline
- Electrolysis Chemical
- Water flows between the anode (+) and the
cathode (-) through the electrolytic water
In this process, basic Ph is formed
on the cathode surface and acidic Ph is formed on the anode
- Separation and removal of precipitates such as
CaCo2, MgCO3 through chemical reaction on the cathode
•Ca(HCO₃)₂+20Hˉ→ CaCO₃ ↓ + 2H₂O + CO₂ˉ²
•Mg(HCO₃)₂→MgCo₃ ↓ + 2H₂O + CO₂¯²
-Trough the chemical reaction of the surface of
the anode, it changes the part of the chloride into a small amount
chlorine and acts as a
•HOˉ- e OH°(Radical ), CIˉ→ CI°(Radical
chlorine), 2CI°→CI₂ (Chlorine molecule)
KMX Co.,