Fouling build-up in heat exchangers and condensers are an ongoing
problem with high impact. Excessive consumption of electricity,
high budgets for maintenance and repair, shortened life spans of
equipment and standard over-design of heat exchanging units are
just a few examples of the issues related to fouling.
In the era of environmental consciousness governments and
corporations are adapting more responsible attitudes towards the
consequences of fouling.
Now, Eqobrush Automatic Tube Cleaning System are the answer
to the problems as only these systems can guarantee optimal
performance of the heat exchanger units at all times.
The component
of Eqobrush System include
Cleaning Brushes,Catch
Baskets,Reversing armatures
Switch boards andElectric
Actuator .
Eqobrush is a brushing system of European design now available in
China with most advanced technology to clean your chiller condenser
and heat exchangers.
the environmental benefits are also obvious:
The prevention of build-up of fouling in the heat exchanger has a
number of advantages.
Reduce overall fouling related cost
Reduce electric energy consumption in chiller condensers
Reduce fossil energy consumption in industrial Heat Exchangers due
to Efficient heat transfer
Reduce energy consumption in system pumps
Minimize scheduled and unscheduled down-times
Save water in the cooling towers
Save on chemicals manual cleaning
Extend the lifetime of the equipment
Reduce Capex for new projects