Asia Rubber & Plastics Expo ***0 Date: March *9th**1st, ***0
Venue: Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center Address: Fuhua
3rd Road, Futian District, Shenzhen City, China ***8 China’s Rubber
& Plastic Products Imports & Exports Data China is an
important rubber and plastic products consuming, producing,
importing and exporting country. Data from China Customs suggests
that in ***8, China imported and exported rubber products 7.***8
million and 0.**3 million tons, and as for plastics products, the
import and export volumes were 0.**5 million and *3.**9 million
tons. Preview of Asia Rubber & Plastics Expo ***0 Hosted in
Shenzhen City, an international economic and trade center in China,
the Asia Rubber & Plastics Expo ***0 is going to put hundreds
of quality exhibitors face to face with global professionals on a
*0,**0 sq.m show floor! Focusing on rubber & plastic products,
the show aims at building an international and professional
platform for global trade and branding, especially for introducing
China’s premium rubber and plastics brands to the world, as well as
overseas brands to China. Supported by **0+ global professional
media and trade associations, the show has attracted dozens of
exhibitors by the August of ***9. What’s more, our diverse and
pertinent live activities and events are also available to all
attendees! Live Activities & Co-located Events ***0 Asia
Product Design Festival ***0 Asia Print & Pack Expo ***0 Asia
Industrial Rubber & Plastics Forum ***0 Asia Rubber &
Plastics Products Innovation Competition ***0 Asia Rubber &
Plastics Brands Innovation Forum ***0 Top **0 Rubber & Plastics
Products Enterprises Awards Ceremony Welcome Dinner Exhibition
Scope ∙Rubber & Plastic Products ∙Rubber & Plastics
Materials ∙Rubber & Plastics Machinery ∙Auxiliary Equipment
∙Moulds & Dies ∙Industrial Dyes & Additives ∙Printing &
Packaging If you are interested in visiting or exhibiting, please
don’t hesitate to contact us today!