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Chuangye Building, Yanjiao Development Zone,Beijing East,Beijing,China China
Contact Person Ms. Linda Liu
Address Chuangye Building, Yanjiao Development Zone, Beijing East, Beijing
Breif introduction of1450 6hi reversible cold rolling mill This 1450 6hi reversible cold rolling mill production line of this unit is to roll hot roll
1450mmMKWReversible Cold Rolling Mill Brief Introduction The MKW Cold rolling mill ( or called partial 8-hi Cold rolling mill/Biased 8 roller cold rol
20 Hi Reversible Cold Rolling Mill Brief Introduction This 1450mm 20 Hi Reversible Cold Rolling Mill was designed to roll 1.0~3.0mmplain carbon steel,
650mm 6Hi Reversible Steel Cold Rolling Mill 1. Its usage The 650mm 6Hi Reversible Steel Cold Rolling Mill can roll 2.0-4.0mm thick pickling hot rolle
Stainless Steel Reversible Cold Rolling Mill Machine Application It canroll pickling stainless steel coils with the thickness of 1.5 3.5mm into high p
650mm 4Hi Reversible Cold Rolling Mill Unit( Low configuration) 1.Brief Introduction The unit will carry out finish rolling of stainless steel coils w
1450 2-Stand 20hi AC Reversible cold rolling mill Brief Introduction The unit provided by Party B to Party A is based on Party A's requirements, a
650mm 4Hi Skin Pass Mill /Temper Mill The temper mill or skin pass mill, which may be of the stand-alone type or in-line, enables improvement of the m
Brief introduction The temper rolling process is performed to improve the sheet flatness, to remove yield point elongation and to impart a uniform sur
Key Technology of the pickling line Push-pull Pickling line and Shadow trough turbulence acid pickling technology. 2. Main Technical data of the pickl
1.Uncoiling section max:2.0min;Coiling segment max: 1.5min The entry operator lifts the galvanized steel coil onto the coil car which then carries
Brief Introduction Electroplating is divided into acidic and alkaline electroplating, while the acid type productivity is higher than the alkaline typ
1. Brief Introduction of Embossing Mill This 1450mm embossing mill technical proposal is designed for Hwangkum steel. Our goal is to provide equipment
1780mm 4Hi Reversible cold rolling mill 1.General Information This unit produces a pickled hot rolled coil with a thickness of 6mm, which is rolled i
1750mm 6-Roll Reversible Cold Rolling Mill General Information The production of this unit is to roll hot rolled coils with the thickness of 2.0 4.5m
1250mm 20 Hi Reversible Cold Rolling Mill 1.1.1 General Information The unit produces a pickled hot rolled coil with a thickness of1.2mm~5mm, which i
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