Cantek Red Meat is a
member of Cantek Group.
We are specializing in
design, production, delivering and placing into service modern
slaughterhouses. Our most important strength is due to our *0
years of investment in R&D inside our Cantek Group. Our
professional and international team is dedicated to grant
successful turnkey projects at all levels of automation over in the
Certified with ISO ***1
and Halal from World Halal Union, In all our Project – production –
contracting services we are committed to elaborate the quality
within the World standards to deliver high quality meat generating
high value for our customers.
What we offer is mainly
modern slaughterhouses for cattle and sheep covering the
General Design for
architecture, building, electrical and cooling systems
Animal nutrition,
paddock areas and systems
Slaughtering equipment
and automation fields,
Offal main processing
areas, equipment and systems
Veterinary and hygiene
control areas,
Laboratory equipment and
Carcass pre-cooling
refrigeration systems,
Low pH & wastage
carcass cold storage system automation
Meat processing areas,
equipment and automation systems,
*0 & *0 days vacuum
fresh meat storage technologies
Carcass and meat
freezing vacuum systems,
Advanced meat processing
machines and systems
Special hygiene filter
ventilation and air conditioning systems for all areas in the
To fulfill this
commitment, every single Project is carried out and handled
carefully from zero up to the end including customers’ specific
requirements which makes each Project a very special
In all Architectural,
electrical, construction projects’ applications, Cantek Red Meat
considers the needs of customers, evaluates with its expert staff
to generate and realize ergonomic, performing
In paddock areas, to
obtain an excellent meat quality, we dedicate the highest level to
animal welfare.
We do observe and carry
out our work for a minimum stress in Cutting areas, in
cutting process and to get the most efficient
performance and security of employees.
We design our products
and systems to constitute a high level of hygiene standards
and an industrial heavy working standards In all processing
and processing areas system.
About cooling carcass
meat; instead of standard manufacturing and general cooling
concept, we offer a very differently special meat carcass cooling
system and technology which brings the longest shelf lifeand
high quality to the meat.
At the same time, thanks
to our Cantek Group’s patented product named as "Octosense" , we
can save energy from *0% up to *0% in cooling systems. Octosense
has remote controllable systems management and easy use so that you
can control all your warehouses and processing
Cantek Red
Our new creative vision
into the sector, our experience, perseverance, patience and our
structure built with faith drove us already to a respectable
position in international market.
Cantek Group
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