Contact Person Mr. Akash
Address ACICO BUSINESS PARK, Zou Xian, Dubai, UAE
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At Desertcart, we are working with a target to break the
international shopping barriers for our local customers and make
such products available globally for them and deliver directly to
their doorsteps.
Desertcart is proud to call itself the largest retailer of consumer
products in the MENA Region, showcasing millions of products and
their variations from many major brands.
We aim to provide items at prices that put your everyday retailer
to shame.
Ranging from electronics to apparel to your toddler’s toys,
Desertcart does its very best to provide you with all you want and
need, straight from the U.S, UK, China and Turkey.
We make sure all our products are compatible with the region, and
our returns and exchange policy are unrivalled in the
Enjoy shopping at
Business Type | Trading |
Website | |
Year Established | 2014 |
Number of Employees | 51-100 |
Main Markets | Middle East,Worldwide |
Products / Services | e commerce, online shopping, computers and accessories, clothing, jewelry, watches, home improvements, gmes, books |
Factory Location | N/A |
Factory Size | N/A |
No. of Production Lines | 0 |
Total Annual Purchase Volume | N/A |
No. of R&D Staff | N/A |
Quality Control | N/A |
Certificates | N/A |
Contract Manufacturing | N/A |
Registered Capital | N/A |
Ownership Type | N/A |
Legal Representative / CEO | N/A |
Export Percentage | N/A |
Total Annual Sales Volume | N/A |
No. of QC Staff | N/A |
Contact Person | Mr. Akash |
Company | Desertcart |
Telephone | ******** |
Mobile | ******** |
Fax | ******** |