Pavitra Environment provides services like biological &
chemical oxygen demand, pond, waste water cleaning, reed bed
systems, environmental consultancy, STP & ETP maintenance,
enzymes for drainage septic tanks & soak pits, solid waste,
sewage line cleaning for hotel, resort, hostels, colonies,
restaurant, food industry!
The word PAVITRA is refinement of the word “Swaccha” that means
pure, pristine,clear or lucid. Solid waste and Liquid waste is
ubiquitous and comprises of waste materials that are produced by
Households, commercial and industrial establishments that have no
value to the owner. Thus waste is the resource at the wrong
We, at the PAVITRA believe that Waste Management is a mission to
maximize resource value, while minimizing – and even eliminating –
environmental impact so that both our economy and our environment
can thrive. We believe that it is our duty and responsibility to
protect the environment and leave it for the future generations in
better shape than we were given. So we care about the planet.
Enzymes are powerful tools that help sustain a clean environment in
several ways. They are utilized for environmental purposes in a
number of areas and industries including sewage
treatment,effluent treatment , drainage and septic tank
maintenance ,pond cleaning , agro-food, oil, animal feed,
detergent, pulp and paper, textile, leather, petroleum, specialty
chemical ,biochemical industry ,food manufacture, medical device
cleaning, as well as many common household and industrial
cleaning processes .
We at Pavitra Environment Technologies provides the solutions
natural conventional system of Constructed wetland which is called
Reed Bed system for the treatment of waste water of urban, rural,
Commercial and Industrial by the mean of roots treatments of the
Waste Water. The system is ‘Eco-Technology’ for the recent time. In
the country it is urgent need of the people and enactment of the
Laws prevails the treatment of the waste water in that situation
Constructed Wetland Provides you the easy and economic solutions of
the waste water.
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