Ever since founded in ***8, Qingdao
Blue-sky outdoor gear International trade Co., LTD
(hereafter as Blue-sky) has witnessed a rapid development, which is
committed to growing into a global supply-chain manager of
high-quality outdoor gear. Blue-sky has five major business fields,
which are Hiking, Camping, Cycling, Fishing and Swimming gear. The
export business of Blue-sky includes manufactureing, processing,
transportation, sales and marketing
of outdoor gear, including tents, sleeping gear, camping lights,
survival and navigation gear, as well as hiking gear, boots, and
apparel.. The products of our company have been exported to
more than **0 countries and regions all over the world, such as
Europe, South America, Africa, Oceania, Middle East, South Asia and
Southeast Asia.
Blue-sky have six main cooperative manufacturer
that have passed international authentication for effort to provide
high quality and services for our customers. More than *0% of our
exported products are labeled with our own brand. All the
employees of Blue-sky are firmly committed to working for a
brighter future with aspirations of teamwork, honesty,
professionalism and innovation.
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