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World without Borders

Member:  Mr. Vincent Wei
Company:   Byer Jewelry Manufacturer Limited.
Membership Type: Free Member
Country:  China  
Products: 925silver brass titanium and SS jewelry
Member Since: 2008
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Byer Jewelry started off as a very small business of designing and manufacturing fashion metal jewelry amidst the hustle and bustle of Shenzhen, in 1996. Business was a struggle for the first few years, due to the intense competition but we managed to progress bit by bit. But I felt that it was not enough and I wanted more.

I grew up in Shenzhen, which was a fishing town and is now one of the largest ports in China. After commencing my business, I often stood by the shore at dusk, and watched the gigantic freight ships carrying some company or the others merchandise to countries afar. I wanted my products to be in those containers as well.

I felt that the real business was beyond the waters and wanted an easy way to tap the international markets. Along came the spider and I was able to spread my business web across the whole world. Thank you!

I was very reluctant to sign on with TradeKey, but my Marketing Director, Daisy Zhang persuaded me in doing so. I thank her from the bottom of my heart and TradeKey with my trust. This is the place to be, if you want your business to grow ten-fold like mine did. gave my company products more international exposure, handled my profiling, optimized my products for faster internet searching, allowed me to communicate with buyers all over the world, and enhanced my knowledge of customs and fashions of such culturally diverse places like the United States and the Middle East.

My dreams are now a reality and now I've got bigger dreams, and I know that Tradekey and I will see them materialize again. My world knows no borders now, thanks to

Vincent Wei,
Byer Jewelry

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Titanium Jewelry
Titanium Jewelry
Silver Ring
Silver Ring
Tungsten Ring
Tungsten Ring
Titanium Ring
Titanium Ring